The Not So Lazy River

The Not So Lazy River

“The river is constantly turning and bending and you never know where it’s going to go and where you’ll wind up. Following the bend in the river and staying on your own path means that you are on the right track. Don’t let anyone deter you from that.” -Eartha Kitt So, I’ve been in a writing slump. While I’ve done a few short camping trips, I was struggling to write about them. It felt forced, like I was checking boxes…

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Baby, It’s Cold Outside

Baby, It’s Cold Outside

Is Cold Weather Camping Fun? With my vast experience of exactly one camping trip under my belt, I thought I was ready to advance to colder weather camping. To be honest, I also knew that I needed to continue this journey without a long break until spring. Since I’ve been an empty nester, I have found the cold, dreary winter days difficult. With more inside days, I am likely to ruminate on my situation and the uncertainty of my direction….

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Into the Wild and Back Again

Into the Wild and Back Again

One does not simply walk into The Wild. Its woods are guarded by more than just wild boar. There are campers there that do not sleep. The great eyes are ever watchful. I like that Boromir was a planner. After weeks of planning, it was finally time to set out on my adventure. The goal was to camp for three days and two nights. My fellowship of the moms (three brave friends) were counting on me to have packed the…

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I’m Gonna Need a Bigger Kayak

I’m Gonna Need a Bigger Kayak

I was eight years old in the summer of 1975. Sister Golden Hair played on the radio as we drove to the theater in Virginia Beach. I had begged and begged to go with my older siblings to see the movie “Jaws.”  We sat way up front, and I remember spending most of the movie covering my eyes. I had nightmares for years, seeing sharks in every large body of water I went into. They were in the swimming pool…

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The Call

The Call

I think I heard the first call years ago. Life was busy. Juggling work with motherhood. Twelve-hour nursing shifts, sleepless nights with fussy babies, carpools, kid activities, and helping with homework, later followed by driving lessons and college visits. And then suddenly an empty nest. No one told me about the empty hole that is left. Maybe they did, and I just didn’t listen. Maybe I didn’t want to listen. How do you go from being the one who makes…

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